Why do we hate to wait in a queue? Who is Father Cold? Why would our grandparents keep empty deodorant sprays on the mantel in the livingroom? Why would most of us have a glass fish placed on a crochet table cloth on top of the television set or a mini ballerina trinket in a display case around the house? What is an “alendelon”? Why are the elderly still bringing bribes to a doctor’s visit? Why is still good to know someone who knows someone?
A museum for the foreign visitors who might have heard of Ceausescu, of House of People, of Nadia Comaneci, even of the communism political system, but who have no idea what it means to queue for bread or to risk your life crossing the Danube with a volleyball tightly held between one’s arms, with only the clothes one’s wearing and the hope for a better life…
A museum for the younger generations of Romanians, who might have heard family stories (from parents or grandparents), who have the historical data, but who lack a general perspective that can help them understand this time of history and find answers to many questions…