The window with porcelain figurines

Present in the homes of all those whom I met before '89 and long after, the Porcelain Figurines Window was at its best, a trophy of wellbeing or of joy of being added the latest figurine to the collection of porcelains. It didn’t matter anymore the summer salami that you hung on the kitchen door to dry a little more and be even better when you ate it, it didn’t matter the box with the blue label of the famous liver pâté... nothing mattered! The figurine was the most important! The Porcelain Figurine Window had to reign in the living room or in the best room. We were also standing in line to take possession of the newest creation of the factory from Alba Iulia, the one from Cluj or from another corner of the country. The truth is that the Romanian porcelain was and is of good quality and it went well for export. But it was interesting how everyone, ladies and young ladies in general, wanted these objects. And let’s not forget that they were in great demand when the end of the school year came and you wondered: what to give the educator or the form master, for the mistress teacher and even for the mister teacher! I remember that in highschool we had a physics teacher who was totally in love with these figurines. As such, at the end of a school year, we bought him, with the money gathered from all the classmates, the famous figurine THE DRINKER! And not by chance! They had something in common. And now I wonder: has it reached the Porcelain Figurine Window? Madalina Corina Diaconu Radio Romania Cultural Reporter Secretary General of the Union of Professional Journalists in Romania